Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Its benefits

Nuclear energy is a reasonably reputable source to prevent green house gas emissions. Only recently has the public become aware of how daily activities have deteriorated the atmosphere, thus creating the greenhouse gases. Various experts have argued the benefits for using nuclear energy, these include a decrease in global warming and less air pollution (by not burning fossil feul). There are three groups which ‘Nuclear’ covers; nuclear explosion, a reactor and nuclear applications for radiation. As the world is rapidly increasing, this increases the demand for energy. Accoriding to John Ritch’s article, nuclear energy can produce more amount of global energy than alternative energy in 2020.

Three Mile Island in 1979 and Chernobyl in 1986 were the result of nuclear accidents. Many people have suffered from deformity, diseases or have died. Studies show that more people are killed by air pollution each year than nuclear accidents. Furthermore, scientist are modifying plants to have less risk of internal damage, also stating that nuclear waste are not an environment hazard, because it releases a small quantity of waste and has a short-life.

Such cases including the Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Chernobyl has stigmatized the public opinion on using nuclear power. With experts more confident on this matter, now are left to convince the public to believe that nuclear energy is valuable.

Several world renowned scientists suggest that nuclear is the only practical answer; Stewart Brand, founder of the Whole Earth Catalog, suggested nuclear energy’s problems have been eliminated using new safety technology (in comparison to that used in the ‘Three Mile Islands and Chernoby’ plants). One-third of nuclear reactor’s cost is spent on safety systems and infrastructure. Over 100 nuclear reactors are operational in the US, over 400 places worldwide and no accidents. Technology for safe storage of nuclear wastes has been established, and since the waste contain plutonium, this makes it reusable for future use.

On the other hand, plutonium can be used for producing nuclear weapons. To prevent nuclear proliferation, an appropriate policy and guideline must be established.

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